Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Time is an invention

That was a message on the t-shirt of a favorite photographer pal. You might think it's pop philosophy. I think it's screen-printed wisdom. Think about it for a moment. Scrambles the mind, eh?


Carrie P said...

"...Lunchtime doubly so."

Being late to something was never quite an issue until accurate clocks were invented.

Carrie P said...

"...Lunchtime doubly so."

Being late to something was never quite an issue until accurate clocks were invented.

George Hrab said...

You know that's a Frank Zappa line, right? It's from "The Adventures of Greggery Peccary"

Moo Ah.


Brickgrrl said...

Now I really want that t-shirt.

Thanks, man.